Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.760
NA - Nord America 2.421
AS - Asia 1.132
AF - Africa 248
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 42
SA - Sud America 31
OC - Oceania 20
Totale 7.654
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.379
IT - Italia 1.263
IE - Irlanda 925
UA - Ucraina 439
CN - Cina 313
SE - Svezia 282
CI - Costa d'Avorio 226
VN - Vietnam 225
SG - Singapore 191
HK - Hong Kong 179
DE - Germania 157
FR - Francia 152
FI - Finlandia 151
TR - Turchia 131
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 91
BE - Belgio 68
GB - Regno Unito 63
RU - Federazione Russa 45
EU - Europa 42
NL - Olanda 30
ES - Italia 24
MX - Messico 22
CH - Svizzera 18
BR - Brasile 16
CA - Canada 15
IN - India 15
AU - Australia 13
KR - Corea 13
ID - Indonesia 11
MA - Marocco 11
PT - Portogallo 10
MY - Malesia 9
DK - Danimarca 8
IL - Israele 8
AR - Argentina 7
JP - Giappone 7
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 7
TW - Taiwan 7
AT - Austria 6
GR - Grecia 6
IR - Iran 6
PE - Perù 6
HU - Ungheria 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
EE - Estonia 3
EG - Egitto 3
GT - Guatemala 3
PH - Filippine 3
RO - Romania 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
CL - Cile 2
DZ - Algeria 2
LT - Lituania 2
PA - Panama 2
PK - Pakistan 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
RS - Serbia 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CY - Cipro 1
JO - Giordania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
OM - Oman 1
PL - Polonia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
Totale 7.654
Città #
Dublin 925
Chandler 645
Jacksonville 364
Milan 233
Abidjan 226
Dong Ket 222
Opera 208
Helsinki 151
Singapore 139
Ann Arbor 121
Hong Kong 104
Boardman 85
Princeton 84
Wilmington 81
Rome 79
Ashburn 69
Tai Po 68
Brussels 66
Beijing 53
Brno 53
Turin 44
Dearborn 36
Olomouc 36
Berlin 34
Shanghai 33
Munich 31
Naples 31
Aversa 28
San Jose 24
London 20
Fuzhou 19
Genoa 19
Moscow 17
Monza 16
Barcelona 15
Frankfurt am Main 15
Guangzhou 15
Hefei 15
Kocaeli 14
Palermo 14
Rotterdam 13
Kunming 12
Palazzolo sull'Oglio 12
Paris 12
Shenzhen 12
Bari 11
Bologna 11
Brescia 11
Nanjing 11
Reggio Calabria 11
Skutari 11
Woodbridge 11
Jinan 10
Miami 10
Portland 10
Santa Clara 10
Florence 9
Los Angeles 9
Padova 9
Seoul 9
Sydney 9
Cagliari 8
Chicago 8
Gambolò 8
St Louis 8
Auckland 7
Buenos Aires 7
Capannori 7
Cernusco sul Naviglio 7
Dijon 7
Latina 7
Livorno 7
Nanchang 7
Parma 7
Piacenza 7
Redwood City 7
Verona 7
Atlanta 6
Catania 6
Como 6
Gallarate 6
Kemerovo 6
Legnano 6
Ottawa 6
Pflugerville 6
Putian 6
Ravenna 6
Tel Aviv 6
Trento 6
Treviso 6
Trieste 6
Vigodarzere 6
Walterboro 6
Arosio 5
Athens 5
Dallas 5
Lille 5
Lisbon 5
Lucca 5
Oakland 5
Totale 4.922
Nome #
Pasta Experience: a neuromarketing approach. 239
A two-steps study for the Italian adaptation of the Work-reLated Flow (WOLF) inventory: the I-WOLF 207
L’esperienza di acquisto tra metaverso ed e-commerce: un'indagine di Consumer Neuroscience 177
Nudging healthier snack choices: a consumer neuroscience study on visual and olfactory interventions in university vending machines 152
Passion e flow at work: una protezione contro l’esaurimento? 132
Lavorare in un’azienda cimiteriale: una ricerca quali-quantitativa sui fattori di rischio e di protezione 131
Rischi psicosociali negli operatori cimiteriali: il ruolo del trauma vicario nella percezione dell’esaurimento lavorativo 123
Adattamento italiano del Recovery Experience Questionnaire 111
Secondary Traumatic Stress: Relationship With Symptoms, Exhaustion, and Emotions Among Cemetery Workers 107
Tra lavoro e resto della vita:il sostegno organizzativo e famigliare per la conciliazione in due organizzazioni del territorio piemontese 106
Shopping in the metaverse: Insight from a consumer neuroscience study 104
Applying Neuroscience in Career Coaching to assess the Coach-Coachee relationship 102
Stereotipi di genere tra lavoro e famiglia 100
Flow at work: measurement and first empirical evidences of the optimal experience at work in the Italian research 96
Le determinanti della soddisfazione lavorativa in università: il caso di un ateneo italiano 93
Neuroselling: quello che le neuroscienze ci dicono sulle tecniche di vendita efficaci. Il caso delle televendite. 92
The mediating role of recovery experiences between job resources, job demands and exhaustion 92
Richieste lavorative e conflitto lavoro-famiglia nel personale sanitario: il ruolo dei turni di lavoro 91
Spillover lavoro-famiglia e soddisfazione lavorativa: una ricerca nel settore pubblico 91
Self-efficacy and work performance: the role of job crafting in middle-age workers 90
Conflitto lavoro-famiglia nella professione infermieristica: il ruolo delle domande lavorative, dell’equità organizzativa e del clima family-friendly 86
L’insorgenza del flow in ambito lavorativo: l’importanza dell’equilibrio tra domande e risorse lavorative 86
Modello richieste-risorse lavorative ed esaurimento: la mediazione delle esperienze di recovery 85
Job resources, personal resources and nurses' job satisfaction: the mediating role of flow at work 85
Job-demands resources model and exhaustion: the role of flow-work enjoyment: a study in a health care context 84
Recovery experiences: measurement and role in well-being dynamics 84
Job demands and psychosomatic disorders: can flow at work mediate this relationship? 83
Demands de travail, ressources organizationnelles et conflit travail-famille dans les infirmières: un modele d'équation structurelle 83
Emotion assessment using Machine Learning and low-cost wearable devices. 83
Work and family support, work to family spillover and job satisfaction: a model 82
La dissonanza emotiva: una richiesta tipica di alcune professioni? 82
Looking through blue glasses: bioelectrical measures to assess the awakening after a calm situation. 82
Fattori di rischio e protezione nei lavoratori cimiteriali: il ruolo del trauma vicario e delle risorse nella percezione dell’esaurimento lavorativo 81
Risorse lavorative, risorse personali e flow at work: una ricetta per il benessere? 80
The mediating role of flow at work between job and personal resources and nurses' job satisfaction 80
Demands, resources and the three dimensions of Flow at Work: a study among professional nurses 79
Modello domande-risorse lavorative ed esaurimento in un contesto sanitario: il ruolo del flow-work enjoyment 78
Il conflitto lavoro-famiglia nel personale sanitario: il ruolo dei turni e delle richieste lavorative 78
La soddisfazione lavorativa in un ateneo italiano: differenze tra docenti-ricercatori e tecnici-amministrativi 77
Neurocoaching: exploring the relationship between coach and coachee by means of bioelectrical signal similarities. 77
A New Academic Quality at Work Tool (AQ@workT) to Assess the Quality of Life at Work in the Italian Academic Context 76
Yellow (Lens) Better: Bioelectrical and Biometrical Measures to Assess Arousing and Focusing Effects 76
Flow at work in Italian journalists: differences between permanent and freelance journalists 75
The Italian version of the WOrk-reLated Flow inventory (WOLF): First psychometric evaluations 75
Influenza lavoro-famiglia e supporti sociali: la soddisfazione lavorativa in un'azienda sanitaria del Nord Italia. Differenze tra personale sanitario e amministrativo / Work-to-Family Influence and Social Supports: Job Satisfaction in a North-Italy Public Health Organization. Differences between Medical and Administrative Staff 75
An Italian validation of the job crafting scale: a short form 75
“The theatre of the mind”: the effect of radio exposition on tv advertising 75
ESB: A low-cost EEG Synchronization Box. 75
Can Traditional Food Product Communication Convey Safety to the Younger Generations? The Role of Sustainable Packaging 74
A Study in an Italian University: Determinants of Job Satisfaction 74
Risorse, flow at work ed esperienze di recovery: uno studio multi-gruppo 74
Turnover intentions in a call center: the role of emotional dissonance, job resources, and job satisfaction 73
Conflitto lavoro-famiglia e differenze di genere: uno studio in un contesto universitario italiano 73
Job crafting e benessere lavorativo: un’indagine esplorativa nel periodo dell’emergenza sanitaria 73
Demandes de travail, ressources organisationnelles et conflit travail-famille chez les infirmieres: un modele d’equation structurelle 72
It’s a Question of Methods: Computational Factors Influencing the Frontal Asymmetry in Measuring the Emotional Valence. 72
Il tema delle differenze tra biologia e cultura: il punto di vista delle neuroscienze ed applicazioni nella vita quotidiana 71
Coinvolgimento al lavoro e in famiglia: una ricerca nel contesto sanitario 71
Spectral differences in resting-state EEG associated to individual Emotional Styles 70
Antecedenti del conflitto lavoro-famiglia in un contesto accademico italiano: differenze tra docenti-ricercatori e personale tecnico-amministrativo 70
Dairy Products with Certification Marks: The Role of Territoriality and Safety Perception on Intention to Buy 70
Il ruolo del flow at work tra domande lavorative e disturbi psicosomatici 69
The Italian version of the Passion for Work Scale: First psychometric evaluations 68
Influenza lavoro-famiglia e soddisfazione lavorativa nella Pubblica Amministrazione: differenze tra donne e uomini 68
The Italian Adaptation of the WOrk-reLated Flow inventory (WOLF) to Sport: the I-WOLFS scale 68
Conflitto lavoro-famiglia in università: una ricerca in un contesto accademico italiano 67
The mediating role of work-family conflict between work shifts, work on-call and nurses' exhaustion 67
Secondary traumatic stress in Italian police officers: the role of job demands and job resources 67
Assessing the emotional response in social communication: the role of neuromarketing. 67
The role of resources and flow at work in well-being 66
Consumer Neuroscience e Brand Relationship: misurare l’associazione implicita tra il Sé del consumatore e il brand 65
Human resources in neuromanagement: an added value to job assessment 65
Il ruolo del flow at work nella professione infermieristica tra domande lavorative e disturbi psicosomatici 64
The Italian version of the Job Crafting Scale (JCS) 64
Strategic Communication and Neuromarketing in the Fisheries Sector: Generating Ideas From the Territory 64
Nurses’ exhaustion: the role of flow at work between job demands and job resources 63
Wellbeing Costs of Technology Use during Covid-19 Remote Working: An Investigation Using the Italian Translation of the Technostress Creators Scale 63
"Everything will be fine”: a study on the relationship between employees’ perception of sustainable HRM practices and positive organizational behavior during COVID19 63
Seeking Challenges, Individual Adaptability and Career Growth in the Relationship between Workload and Contextual Performance: A Two-Wave Study 61
Il flow at work nel personale infermieristico: il ruolo delle domande e delle risorse nell'esperienza ottimale al lavoro 60
La mediazione del flow at work tra risorse personali, risorse lavorative ed emozioni al lavoro 60
The Nature of Job Crafting: Positive and Negative Relations with Job Satisfaction and Work-Family Conflict 60
Inbound Call Centers and Emotional Dissonance in the Job Demands – Resources Model 57
The Role of the Emotional Sequence in the Communication of the Territorial Cheeses: A Neuromarketing Approach 56
“The Theater of the Mind”: The Effect of Radio Exposure on TV Advertising 56
Well-being and affective commitment among ambulance volunteers: a mediational model of job burnout 54
Editorial: Neuromanagement and Neuromarketing 54
Ri-Creazione: Flow at work tra domande e risorse lavorative 52
Italian adaptation of the Pemberton Happiness Index 51
From virtual reality to augmented reality: A neuromarketing perspective 50
Does the End Justify the Means? The Role of Organizational Communication among Work-from-Home Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic 49
Neuroselling: unveiling the underlying processes of infomercials success. 46
Neuroselling: applying neuroscience to selling for a new business perspective. An analysis on teleshopping advertising. 44
Biosafety: From a traditional approach to an integrated approach 44
Wellbeing in Workers during COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Self-Compassion in the Relationship between Personal Resources and Exhaustion 44
The Impact of Optimism and Internal Locus of Control on Workers’ Well-Being, A Multi-Group Model Analysis before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic 43
Job Assessment Through Bioelectrical Measures: A Neuromanagement Perspective 43
Funeral and Mortuary Operators: The Role of Stigma, Incivility, Work Meaningfulness and Work–Family Relation to Explain Occupational Burnout 41
Passion and Flow at Work for the Reduction of Exhaustion at Work in Nursing Staff 41
From Coaching to Neurocoaching: A Neuroscientific Approach during a Coaching Session to Assess the Relational Dynamics between Coach and Coachee-A Pilot Study. 40
Totale 7.834
Categoria #
all - tutte 45.720
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 45.720

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020511 0 0 0 0 0 99 84 103 10 120 20 75
2020/20211.010 13 72 83 90 17 132 3 80 31 138 114 237
2021/2022778 35 6 7 63 55 16 28 111 22 35 120 280
2022/20232.357 231 80 70 162 164 147 5 141 1.064 161 103 29
2023/20241.664 56 123 206 111 79 250 112 242 84 66 67 268
2024/20251.219 224 294 274 211 168 48 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.178