Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.099
NA - Nord America 3.568
AS - Asia 1.233
AF - Africa 333
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 63
SA - Sud America 25
OC - Oceania 8
Totale 9.329
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.539
IE - Irlanda 1.084
UA - Ucraina 890
IT - Italia 883
SE - Svezia 386
CN - Cina 330
CI - Costa d'Avorio 326
VN - Vietnam 311
SG - Singapore 274
DE - Germania 243
FI - Finlandia 216
HK - Hong Kong 170
FR - Francia 131
TR - Turchia 108
GB - Regno Unito 64
EU - Europa 63
NL - Olanda 46
RU - Federazione Russa 42
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 23
CA - Canada 19
ES - Italia 16
AT - Austria 12
BR - Brasile 12
GR - Grecia 12
MX - Messico 8
BE - Belgio 7
JP - Giappone 6
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 6
CO - Colombia 5
LU - Lussemburgo 5
LV - Lettonia 5
AU - Australia 4
DK - Danimarca 4
HU - Ungheria 4
MY - Malesia 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
PT - Portogallo 4
CH - Svizzera 3
IL - Israele 3
MT - Malta 3
NO - Norvegia 3
SI - Slovenia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AR - Argentina 2
CL - Cile 2
CY - Cipro 2
EC - Ecuador 2
EG - Egitto 2
IN - India 2
KR - Corea 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
MK - Macedonia 2
PE - Perù 2
PL - Polonia 2
RO - Romania 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BT - Bhutan 1
BW - Botswana 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EE - Estonia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JM - Giamaica 1
JO - Giordania 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LT - Lituania 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NP - Nepal 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 9.329
Città #
Dublin 1.084
Chandler 891
Jacksonville 594
Abidjan 326
Dong Ket 311
Wilmington 230
Opera 196
Hong Kong 169
Singapore 169
Ashburn 139
Helsinki 122
Princeton 118
Woodbridge 98
Milan 91
Boardman 90
Liberty Lake 66
Rome 50
Shanghai 40
Beijing 39
Falls Church 38
Guangzhou 33
San Mateo 31
Brno 23
Los Angeles 19
Miami 17
Norwalk 16
Shenzhen 16
Verona 15
Bologna 14
Philadelphia 14
Saint Petersburg 12
Catania 11
Montreal 11
Stockholm 11
Turin 11
Houston 10
Vienna 10
Dearborn 9
Las Vegas 9
Cagliari 8
Cremona 8
Fairfield 8
Pavia 8
Venice 8
Wuppertal 8
Andria 7
Ann Arbor 7
Bari 7
Naples 7
Washington 7
Wuxi 7
Fisciano 6
Munich 6
Pomezia 6
Trezzo 6
Brussels 5
Kocaeli 5
Kunming 5
London 5
Luxembourg 5
Modena 5
Musile di Piave 5
Santa Clara 5
Borås 4
Broni 4
Cambridge 4
Copenhagen 4
Edinburgh 4
Florence 4
Forlì 4
Hefei 4
Jiaxing 4
Jinhua 4
Kassel 4
Moscow 4
Nanjing 4
Nantong 4
Nocera Inferiore 4
Ottawa 4
Palermo 4
Paris 4
Parma 4
Pavullo Nel Frignano 4
Pozzuolo 4
St Petersburg 4
Tappahannock 4
Uetze 4
Vigevano 4
Xi'an 4
Auckland 3
Aversa 3
Bevagna 3
Brescia 3
Chieti 3
Colombo 3
Dortmund 3
Fossalta di Piave 3
Fuzhou 3
George Town 3
Glasgow 3
Totale 5.444
Nome #
Il distretto culturale evoluto nell’economia post-industriale 302
Cultura e sviluppo locale: verso il distretto culturale evoluto 237
Politiche locali e sviluppo dei distretti creativi 140
Power to the people: when culture works as a social catalyst in urban regeneration processes (and when it does not) 131
Cognitive Keynesianism: Heritage conservation as a platform for structural anti-cyclic policy. The case of the Halland Region, Sweden 130
L' accesso alle opportunità culturali nell'economia dell'esperienza 128
Analyzing the Semantics of Point Spaces through the Topological Weighted Centroid and Other Mathematical Quantities: The Hidden Geometry of the Global Economic Order 120
I fondamenti comportamentali e cognitivi dello sviluppo locale "culture-led" 118
Le esperienze italiane: lo studio per la distrettualizzazione culturale della regione Veneto 118
Beyond the rhetoric of participation: New challenges and prospects for inclusive urban regeneration 115
System-wide cultural districts: an introduction from the Italian viewpoint 109
Introduzione 108
Culture as an engine of local development processes: system-wide cultural districts 1.: theory 107
Culture 3.0: A New Perspective for the EU Active Citizenship and Social and Economic Cohesion Policy 106
The contribution of cultural participation to urban well-being. A comparative study in Bolzano/Bozen and Siracusa, Italy 104
Cultural Access and Mental Health: An Exploratory Study 104
Museum environments, visitors’ behaviour, and well-being: beyond the conventional wisdom 104
Le politiche territoriali: metodi e strumenti 102
Understanding culture-led local development: a critique of alternative theoretical explanations 101
Culture driven policies and revaluation of local cultural assets: a tale of two cities, Otaru and Yūbari 101
Cities as Creative Hubs: From the Instrumental to the Functional Value of Culture-Led Development Processes 101
Multidimensional similarities at a global scale: an approach to mapping open society orientations 100
Culture as an engine of local development processes: system-wide cultural districts 2.: prototype cases 99
European culture capitals and local development strategies: Comparing the Genoa 2004 and Lille 2004 cases 98
Cultura come fattore di sviluppo locale: il Distretto Culturale Evoluto – DiCE I: Teoria. 98
Il sistema delle Industrie Culturali e Creative in Lombardia: elementi per un nuovo modello di competitività territoriale 98
Top corporate brands and the global structure of country brand positioning: An AutoCM ANN approach 97
Social preferences and private provision of public goods: A 'double critical mass' model 95
What kind of ‘world order’? An artificial neural networks approach to intensive data mining 95
Italian Foodies: Endogenous Growth Patterns towards "Foodtainment" and Gourmandise 95
Sviluppo locale a base culturale: quando funziona e perché ? Alla ricerca di framework di riferimento 94
Cultural Participation, Relational Goods and Individual Subjective Well-Being: Some Empirical Evidence 93
Understanding cultural geography as a pseudo-diffusion process: the case of the Veneto Region 91
The non-linear relationship between scientific production and national states' journals 90
Progetto DiCE, Distretto Culturale Evoluto della Regione del Veneto. Rapporto finale per l'Analisi ed elaborazione di un sistema di distretti culturali 90
Two versions of heterotopia: the role of art practices in participative urban renewal processes 90
Dismissioni creative: il caso europeo 88
Cultura y desarrollo local: el distrito cultural sistémico 87
Unraveling the space grammar of terrorist attacks: A TWC approach 87
Dal distretto industriale al distretto culturale evoluto 86
A note on the symmetry of all Nash equilibria in games with increasing best replies 86
Cultura come fattore di sviluppo locale: il Distretto Culturale Evoluto – DiCE II: I casi prototipo. 85
Cultural policies and local planning strategies: what is the role of culture in sustainable development? 85
The meta-geography of the open society: An Auto-CM ANN approach 85
Self-protection, Psychological Externalities, and the Social Dynamics of Fear 85
Il 'capitale culturale' di Venezia: quale risorsa per lo sviluppo della città? 84
Progetto Archilandia: Cultura e sviluppo identitario del territorio: Rapporto Finale 83
Open societies and social sustainability: toward a new synthetic index for the emergent world order 83
Wealth-sensitive positional competition as a source of dynamic complexity in OLG models 83
Co-Creare Matera: Gli impatti dei progetti di co-creazione e partecipazione attiva di Matera Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019 82
The Museum as a Catalyst of Social Development: Best Practices to Engage the Community 82
From Culture 1.0 to Culture 3.0: Three Socio-Technical Regimes of Social and Economic Value Creation through Culture, and Their Impact on European Cohesion Policies 82
System-wide cultural district and the Halland Model: policy design for regional development 81
Good taste tastes good: cultural capital as a determinant of organic food purchase by italian consumers: evidence and policy implications 81
The Impact of Culture on the Individual Subjective Well-Being of the Italian Population: An Exploratory Study 79
Le città creative e il territorio 78
The Interaction Between Culture, Health and Psychological Well-Being: Data Mining from the Italian Culture and Well-Being Project 77
A Conceptual Regulatory Framework for the Design and Evaluation of Complex, Participative Cultural Planning Strategies 77
System wide cultural district: mapping and clustering the tangible and intangible cultural asset for the reshaping of the regional clusters in the Region of Veneto, Italy 76
Economia civile, evoluzione culturale e sviluppo: un'indagine teorica 75
Smart endogenous growth: cultural capital and the creative use of skills 75
Cultural ecologies of adaptive vs. maladaptive traits: a simple nonlinear model 75
Optimism of the will: Antonio Gramsci Takes in Max Weber 73
Preying on beauty? The complex social dynamics of overtourism 73
Tra economia e territorio: sistemi, simboli e nuove forme di vivibilità 72
Coexistence of Strategies and Culturally-specific Common Knowledge: an Evolutionary Analysis 72
Proximity effects in obesity rates in the US: a Spatial Markov Chains approach 72
European Regional Development Fund and pro-environmental behaviour: the case of Italian separate waste collection 71
La responsabilità sociale d'impresa: prospettive teoriche nel dibattito italiano 70
Creativity, cultural investment and local development: a new theoretical framework for endogenous growth 70
Arte/economia 69
Fabbricanti di universi 69
The economics of human relationships 69
Rawlsian altruism with perfect discrimination leads to social efficiency 69
Prefazione a: Arte contemporanea: costo o investimento? 68
On the possible conflict between economic growth and social development 68
Lo sviluppo locale come shock culturale 68
Culture as an Engine of Local Development Processes: System-Wide Cultural Districts 68
The essence of smart specialization: local economies as computational platforms 68
Recycling waste: Does culture matter? 68
Kunst=Kapital? Invitation to a pointless investigation 67
La giovane arte siciliana: una strategia di promozione 67
Participation, Growth and Social Poverty: Social Capital in a Homogeneous Society 66
Economic Growth and Social Poverty: The evolution of social participation 65
Falso movimento? Alcune considerazioni sulla strategia di ricostruzione 65
Il denaro nella cultura 64
Neighborhood effects and pro-environmental behavior: the case of Italian separate waste collection 64
Location matters for pro-environmental behavior: a spatial Markov Chains approach to proximity effects in differentiated waste collection 64
Rational populists: the social consequences of shared narratives 64
La complessità strutturale dei distretti industriali: un approccio basato sulle similarità multidimensionali 63
Postfazione 63
Nuevas direcciones en políticas culturales: Los distritos culturales sistémicos 63
Gentrification as space domestication. The High Line Art case 63
The road not taken: un'economia senza homo oeconomicus? 62
Social capital accumulation and the evolution of social participation 62
The Topological Weighted Centroid (TWC): A topological approach to the time-space structure of epidemic and pseudo-epidemic processes 62
Global Analysis of an Expectations Augmented Evolutionary Dynamics 61
Auto Contractive Maps, the H Function and the Maximally Regular Graph (MRG): a New Methodology for Data Mining 61
Money for Nothing 61
Recensione di: R. Towse (ed.), A Handbook of Cultural Economics 61
Totale 8.761
Categoria #
all - tutte 57.813
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 57.813

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020588 0 0 0 0 0 133 19 140 5 150 13 128
2020/20211.444 16 130 111 117 8 175 5 164 62 193 142 321
2021/2022952 44 4 33 49 136 52 22 160 37 14 130 271
2022/20233.082 339 127 118 238 196 257 17 186 1.323 119 136 26
2023/20241.007 56 59 98 60 66 128 43 239 22 24 31 181
2024/2025753 77 160 156 123 132 105 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.810