"Discourses on Models' Rights"
2013-01-01 Adami, Valentina; Logaldo, Mara
"Encrypted Bodies: Augmented Fashion Gets Uncensored!"
2012-09-06 Logaldo, Mara
"Lucia Rodler (ed.), Cesare Lombroso. L’uomo delinquente studiato in rapporto all’antropologia, alla medicina legale e alle discipline carcerarie"
2013-01-01 Logaldo, Mara
"On Crimes, Punishments, and ... Words: Language Issues in Cesare Beccaria's Works"
2012-01-01 Logaldo, Mara
"Promoting Augmented Reality in the Food Industry: A Linguistic Analysis of Web-Based Communication"
2014-05-08 Logaldo, Mara
"She Knows the Way Peolple Speak Around Here": Zadie Smith e il luogo delle parole
2017-12-20 Logaldo, Mara
"Towards what final grievous contemplation amid the disarray?": linguaggio e logica della fine dei romanzi di David Markson
2009-11-01 Logaldo, Mara
"What Is Royalty Without a Voice? Monarchy and the Performance of Power in The King's Speech"
2013-11-15 Logaldo, Mara
'Here Is A Nice Piece of Law and Order for you': The Parody of Law in the Nonsensical World of Fann O'Brien.
2014-11-12 Logaldo, Mara; Nerozzi Bellman, Patrizia
A sangue freddo: lo spettacolo della legge e la legge dello spettacolo
2010-01-01 Logaldo, Mara
A taste for shadows
2000-12-01 Logaldo, Mara
ARvertising and the Remediation of Meaning
2017-08-01 Logaldo, Mara
Augmented Bodies: Functional and Rhetorical Uses of Augmented Reality in Fashion
2016-04-01 Logaldo, Mara
Augmented Linguistics. Language and Communication in the Age of Augmented Reality
2012-11-01 Logaldo, Mara
Augmented Reality and the Remediation of Meaning
2013-01-01 Logaldo, Mara
Awareness-raising measures on single-use plastics: comparing communicative strategies in EC websites and social media
2018-11-01 Logaldo, Mara
Capote’s Garden in Hell: the Spectacle of the Law and the Law of the Spectacle
2011-01-01 Logaldo, Mara
Captioning and Revoicing Screened Dialogue: The Pragmatics of Audiovisual Translation
2020-04-02 Logaldo, Mara
Capturing/Captioning Wildlife in Nature Photography
2019-04-01 Logaldo, Mara
Constructions on earth and water
2010-01-01 Logaldo, Mara