Sfoglia per Titolo
Kaprow, Allan
2021-01-01 Di Rosa, Vincenzo
Karin Tikkanen, A Sabellian Case Grammar (Handbuch der Italischen Dialekte II. Band), (Heidelberg, Winter Universitätsverlag, 2011)
2013-01-01 Muscariello, Marta
Kassel non invita alla logica
2015-01-01 Liverani, ELENA MARIA
Kate Moss Machine
2010-01-01 La Rocca, Fabio; Rafele, Antonio
Keeping older people mobile: Autonomous transport services in rural areas
2023-01-01 Gössling, Stefan; Freytag, Tim; Humpe, Andreas; Scuttari, Anna
Keeping the Enemy at Bay: Emergency, Entropy, Time, and the Law
2022-01-01 Rossi, Giuseppe
Ken Hyland, Disciplinary identities: individuality and community in academic discourse, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012)
2014-01-01 Garzone, Giuliana Elena
Kenneth Goldsmith's Hillary. A Poem by Francesco Urbano Ragazzi
2021-01-01 Urbano, Francesco; Ragazzi, Francesco
Kenneth Minogue and Responsible Individualism
2017-10-01 Mingardi, Alberto
Key features of Relationship Value and their Management
2013-09-01 Corsaro, Daniela
The Key to Rereading
2015-07-11 Parks, TIMOTHY HAROLD
“Kids, Today We’re Going to the Museum!”. Discriminating Factors in Museum Visiting for Families With Children in Italy
2021-01-01 Borrione, Paola; Friel, Martha; Segre, Giovanna
Klein, Yves
2021-01-01 Di Rosa, Vincenzo
Kleists "Amphitryon" nach Molière als Vorspiel des deutsch-französischen Gegensatzes im frühen 19. Jahrhundert
2012-01-01 Szukala, RALPH HELMUT
Kleists Kohlhaas und Penthesilea im Spiegel von Jean Baudrillards "Trasparenz des Bösen"
2001-01-01 Szukala, RALPH HELMUT
Knock on Wood, an essay on Collodi's 'Pinocchio'
2009-04-30 Parks, Tim
A Knot to Untie: Social Power, Fetishism, Communication in the Social History of the Tie
2012-09-01 Barile, Nello
Know how o know out? Il sapere in rete
2011-01-01 Bustreo, Massimo
Know thine enemy - Michael Farrell picks up the perennial topic of machine translation post-editing
2023-09-01 Farrell, Michael
Knowing and Understanding the Differences: Towards a Europe of Knowledge
2016-01-01 Barbati, Carla
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