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Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autori File
1-gen-2000 "... secondo la norma del peso del re": Alalakh e Mari: contesti archeologici palatini e sistemi ponderali in Siria durante la media età del Bronzo Ascalone, Enrico; Peyronel, Luca
1-gen-2013 "L'Italia dei Longobardi" Farioli Vecchioli, Eugenio; Moretti, SimonaPeyronel, Luca; Settimi, Enrico
1-gen-2015 A Long-Barrel Carnelian Bead from Ebla. A New Evidence for Long-Distance Contacts between the Indus Valley and the Near East PEYRONEL, LUCA
1-gen-2016 A New Northern Ubaid/Late Chalcolithic Site in the Erbil Plain PEYRONEL, LUCA; Vacca, Agnese; Zenoni, Gioia
1-gen-2010 Ancient Near Eastern Economics: The Silver Question between Methodology and Archaeological Data Peyronel, Luca
1-gen-2015 Archeologia in movimento: Riprese sul passato PEYRONEL, LUCA
1-gen-2016 Archeologia in Siria tra scavo e valorizzazione: i progetti delle missioni di Ebla e Tell Tuqan PEYRONEL, LUCA
- Archeostorie. Journal of Public Archaeology PEYRONEL, LUCA; Dal Maso, Cinzia
1-gen-2008 Area P Peyronel, Luca
9-lug-2014 Artigianato e tecnologia nel Bronzo Medio e Tardo in Siria. Ricerche sulle attività produttive: circolazione, trasformazione e caratterizzazione delle materie prime e dei manufatti Peyronel, Luca
1-gen-2006 Balance weights from Tell Mardikh-Ebla and weighting systems in the Levant during the Middle Age Bronze Ascalone, Enrico; Peyronel, Luca
1-gen-2014 Between the Archaic Market and Gift Exchange: The Role of Silver in the Embedded Economies of the Ancient Near East during the Bronze Age Peyronel, Luca
1-gen-2016 Bone and ivory manufacturing at Ebla (Syria) during the Early and Middle Bronze Age (c. 2500-1600 BC) PEYRONEL, LUCA
1-gen-2018 Breaking down the bullion. The compliance of bullion-currencies with official weight-systems in a case-study from the ancient Near East Ialongo, Nicola; Vacca, Agnese; Peyronel, Luca
1-gen-2015 Bronze Balance Pan from the Southern Palace at Ebla PEYRONEL, LUCA
1-gen-2011 Chapter 4. Area P Peyronel, Luca
1-gen-2007 Chronological aspects of cultural interrelations between Syria and the Persian Gulf during the Late Third and Second Millennium BC Peyronel, Luca
9-lug-2014 Co-direzione della ricognizione archeologica sul sito di Qaleh Kutchek, Kerman Province, Iran Ascalone, Enrico; Peyronel, Luca; Azadi, Ahmad
1-gen-2003 Commercial and cultural interrelations between the Iranian Plateu, The Persian Gulf and Southern Mesopotamia at the beginning of the Second Millennium BC Peyronel, Luca
1-gen-2002 Commercianti dilmuniti nella Susiana? Evidenze archeologiche ed epigrafiche sulle relazioni culturali tra Golfo Persico e Iran sud-occidentale agli inizi del 2. mill. a. C. Peyronel, Luca