Our research project is divided into two parts. The first part will deal with maritime tourism in Liguria and Tuscany analysed in relation to the ethnic and cultural components, to the organization of (formal or informal ) local tourist systems, to the phase reached by the different coastal areas in their cycle of development, to tourists' motivations, to institutional and business strategies, to the development of transportation and communications, and to promote the territory as touristic in the world market. The second part of our research project will be carried out in Milan and in Lombardy. On the one hand, after collecting material concerning maritime tourism in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian areas distributed by Tour Operators, we will identify key factors which can be used to stimulate the promotion and the communication of those destinations, in comparison with their most important Italian and foreign competitors as well. On the other hand, our task will be to observe how the consumer perceives and receives offers created by operators and promotional messages identified in the above point. However, in order to understand which motivations are influential in the choice of where to spend a holiday, it is necessary to go into greater depth with the investigation on tourists' needs, dreams, attitudes and behaviour. On the basis of what comes out of the previous points, finally, an identikit of the tourist who goes to those maritime places will be created, and an attempt will be made to identify expectations and trends. We will also outline characteristics of the type of tourist who does not spend his or her seaside holidays in the areas under consideration here, and to identify his or her main motivations. All of this will enable us to evaluate, in the first place, the correspondence of the nature of the supply and of the content of communications with the nature of the demand and the received content. And, secondly, it will enable us to compare the expectations, needs, consumer attitudes and behaviour (push factors) of the sample with the claims of the various coastal or island regions (pull factors) as they emerge from the first part of the research carried out by our unit and from the results obtained from other operative units. The methods used to analyse individual themes in the first part of our research project are an analysis of historical and anthropological-cultural literature, of legal, statistical and documentary sources, of plans and projects, of inter-regional and international agreements and of visual documentation. Structured interviews and dialogues with those in charge of institutions, of trading associations and of individual firms, and with at least 175 tourist operators (minimum quantity: 25 questionnaires for each coastal province) will be carried out. At least 700 questionnaires will be given to tourists (a minimum of 100 questionnaires for each province). In order to understand the strategies of tourist promotion and communications dealt with in the second part of the research project, we will collect tourist material (paper copy materials like tourist guides, catalogues and the main magazines in the sector, the main internet sites) on the above-cited seaside destinations, which is widely available in the places of residence of our sample of tourists (Milan and Lombardy). The material will be analysed by applying the analysis of the content using the most appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques annotated with the support of operators.In order to analyse the impact of this material on the demand, questionnaires will be created and given to people. At least 500 questionnaires will centre on knowledge and experience of the different targets concerning the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian areas, a comparison with other seaside destinations, reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction, knowledge of offers and promotional packages on theese areas and their thoughts in this respect. In order to evaluate the correspondence between the expectations of consumers (push factors) of the sample with the claims of the various coastal or island regions (pull factors) and between the communicated and received content, we will proceed with a comparison of results from the different phases of research conducted by our operative unit and from the results obtained from the other operative units through meetings, which will bring out the most important problems. From the criticality and strong points that have emerged, SWOT Analysis and other ad hoc methods will be used to create a complex model that can explain the different ways in which the territory is articulated, the connections among the coastal areas and hinterland regions, administrative and business activities, and to create and develop maritime tourist regions that can recover the national market and emerge on the global market with respect to the differentiation of tourist demand.
La ricerca condotta dalla nostra unità operativa è suddivisibile in due parti. La prima avrà come oggetto il turismo balneare in Liguria e in Toscana e, più in particolare, le componenti etniche e culturali di queste regioni, l'organizzazione dei sistemi turistici locali formali o informali, lo stadio raggiunto dalle diverse aree costiere nel loro ciclo di sviluppo, le motivazioni dei turisti e le strategie di livello istituzionale e di livello imprenditoriale per lo sviluppo di aree e itinerari e per la promozione del territorio turistico sul mercato globale. Nella seconda parte della ricerca, che si svolgerà a Milano e in Lombardia, dopo aver analizzato vario materiale turistico sulle località adriatiche e tirreniche, si individueranno i fattori chiave su cui fa leva la promozione e la comunicazione anche in rapporto ai maggiori competitors italiani ed esteri. Dall'altro lato, nostro compito sarà quello di osservare come i messaggi promozionali, individuati nel punto precedente, vengano percepiti e accolti dal consumatore. Si vogliono analizzare le strategie approntate dai diversi operatori delle varie aree marine, per individuare le eventuali carenze comunicative in confronto con altre destinazioni italiane e/o straniere. Ma, per comprendere come vengano accolti e interpretati i messaggi e spiegare le motivazioni che portano alla scelta di una vacanza, si cercherà di cogliere i bisogni, le aspirazioni, gli atteggiamenti e i comportamenti dei turisti. Sulla base di quanto riscontrato nei punti precedenti, si creerà, infine, l'identikit del turista che si reca nelle nostre località marine e si cercherà di individuarne le aspettative e le tendenze. Si tracceranno anche le caratteristiche del turista-tipo che non trascorre le vacanze balneari nelle aree prese in considerazione individuandone le motivazioni principali. Tutto questo ci permetterà di valutare, in primo luogo, la corrispondenza del carattere dell'offerta e dei contenuti comunicati con il carattere della domanda e dei contenuti recepiti. E, in secondo luogo, di confrontare le aspettative, i bisogni, gli atteggiamenti e i comportamenti di consumo (push factors) del campione individuato con i richiami esercitati dalle diverse regioni rivierasche o insulari (pull factors) così come emergono dalla prima parte della ricerca condotta dalla nostra unità e dai risultati ottenuti dalle altre unità operative. I metodi utilizzati per analizzare i singoli temi trattati nella prima parte della ricerca sono l'analisi della letteratura storica e antropologico-culturale, delle fonti giuridiche, statistiche e documentali, dei piani e progetti, degli accordi interregionali e internazionali e della documentazione visuale. Si svolgeranno colloqui e interviste strutturate ai responsabili istituzionali, a quelli di associazioni di categoria e di singole imprese, e ad almeno 175 operatori turistici (25 per provincia analizzata), e verranno somministrati ai turisti almeno 700 questionari (100 per provincia). Per cogliere le strategie di promozione e comunicazione turistica oggetto della seconda parte della ricerca, verrà raccolto il materiale turistico di diverso tipo (guide, cataloghi, riviste di settore, siti internet), diffuso e reperibile nei luoghi di residenza del nostro campione (Milano e Lombardia) e che riguarda le destinazioni balneari tirreniche e adriatiche. Il materiale sarà elaborato con l'analisi del contenuto secondo le tecniche quantitative e qualitative più appropriate e i risultati interpretati con il supporto degli operatori. Per analizzare l'impatto che tale materiale ha sulla domanda, verranno somministrati dei questionari alla popolazione (minimo 500) per indagare sulle conoscenze ed esperienze riguardanti le zone adriatiche e tirreniche, sul confronto con altre destinazioni balneari, sui motivi di soddisfazione e di insoddisfazione, sulla conoscenza delle proposte e promozioni fatte circa le zone adriatiche e tirreniche e sulle considerazioni a riguardo. Per valutare la corrispondenza fra le aspettative dei consumatori (push factors) del campione con i richiami esercitati dalle diverse regioni rivierasche o insulari (pull factors) e fra i contenuti comunicati e i contenuti recepiti, si procederà al confronto dei risultati delle diverse fasi della ricerca condotta dalla nostra unità operativa e dei risultati delle altre unità operative attraverso alcuni incontri dai quali fare emergere i nodi problematici più significativi. Dalle criticità e dai punti di forza emersi, si creerà attraverso la SWOT Analysis e altri metodi approntati ad hoc, un modello complesso in grado di spiegare le diverse articolazioni del territorio, le connessioni tra aree costiere e regioni dell'entroterra, l'attività amministrativa e imprenditoriale e di creare e sviluppare regioni turistiche marittime in grado di riacquistare il mercato nazionale e di proporsi sul quello globale nel rispetto della differenziazione della domanda turistica.
L'offerta turistica sulle coste liguri e toscane, la comunicazione riguardante le aree tirrenica e adriatica e il suo impatto sulla domanda (il caso del bacino d'utenza lombardo).
L'offerta turistica sulle coste liguri e toscane, la comunicazione riguardante le aree tirrenica e adriatica e il suo impatto sulla domanda (il caso del bacino d'utenza lombardo)
Scramaglia, Rosantonietta
Our research project is divided into two parts. The first part will deal with maritime tourism in Liguria and Tuscany analysed in relation to the ethnic and cultural components, to the organization of (formal or informal ) local tourist systems, to the phase reached by the different coastal areas in their cycle of development, to tourists' motivations, to institutional and business strategies, to the development of transportation and communications, and to promote the territory as touristic in the world market. The second part of our research project will be carried out in Milan and in Lombardy. On the one hand, after collecting material concerning maritime tourism in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian areas distributed by Tour Operators, we will identify key factors which can be used to stimulate the promotion and the communication of those destinations, in comparison with their most important Italian and foreign competitors as well. On the other hand, our task will be to observe how the consumer perceives and receives offers created by operators and promotional messages identified in the above point. However, in order to understand which motivations are influential in the choice of where to spend a holiday, it is necessary to go into greater depth with the investigation on tourists' needs, dreams, attitudes and behaviour. On the basis of what comes out of the previous points, finally, an identikit of the tourist who goes to those maritime places will be created, and an attempt will be made to identify expectations and trends. We will also outline characteristics of the type of tourist who does not spend his or her seaside holidays in the areas under consideration here, and to identify his or her main motivations. All of this will enable us to evaluate, in the first place, the correspondence of the nature of the supply and of the content of communications with the nature of the demand and the received content. And, secondly, it will enable us to compare the expectations, needs, consumer attitudes and behaviour (push factors) of the sample with the claims of the various coastal or island regions (pull factors) as they emerge from the first part of the research carried out by our unit and from the results obtained from other operative units. The methods used to analyse individual themes in the first part of our research project are an analysis of historical and anthropological-cultural literature, of legal, statistical and documentary sources, of plans and projects, of inter-regional and international agreements and of visual documentation. Structured interviews and dialogues with those in charge of institutions, of trading associations and of individual firms, and with at least 175 tourist operators (minimum quantity: 25 questionnaires for each coastal province) will be carried out. At least 700 questionnaires will be given to tourists (a minimum of 100 questionnaires for each province). In order to understand the strategies of tourist promotion and communications dealt with in the second part of the research project, we will collect tourist material (paper copy materials like tourist guides, catalogues and the main magazines in the sector, the main internet sites) on the above-cited seaside destinations, which is widely available in the places of residence of our sample of tourists (Milan and Lombardy). The material will be analysed by applying the analysis of the content using the most appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques annotated with the support of operators.In order to analyse the impact of this material on the demand, questionnaires will be created and given to people. At least 500 questionnaires will centre on knowledge and experience of the different targets concerning the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian areas, a comparison with other seaside destinations, reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction, knowledge of offers and promotional packages on theese areas and their thoughts in this respect. In order to evaluate the correspondence between the expectations of consumers (push factors) of the sample with the claims of the various coastal or island regions (pull factors) and between the communicated and received content, we will proceed with a comparison of results from the different phases of research conducted by our operative unit and from the results obtained from the other operative units through meetings, which will bring out the most important problems. From the criticality and strong points that have emerged, SWOT Analysis and other ad hoc methods will be used to create a complex model that can explain the different ways in which the territory is articulated, the connections among the coastal areas and hinterland regions, administrative and business activities, and to create and develop maritime tourist regions that can recover the national market and emerge on the global market with respect to the differentiation of tourist demand.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.